LEGOs are among the very few things that everyone in our family appreciates. For years, we’ve enjoyed flipping through LEGO catalogues together, strolling through the LEGO store whenever we went to the mall, and stopping to look for new LEGO sets in Target’s toy department. We have always considered LEGO sets to be some of
Classroom Drawings 2
Here’s to being awake in another class all day (with a pen and a pad of paper). Without Snoopy, we’ve got the elk on the Hartford’s logo:
Classroom Drawings 1
Sitting in a classroom all day with a pen, a stack of paper, and a MetLife Snoopy doll can produce surprising results. Here I present to you: Life of Snoopy:
Here’s an amazing artist on the New York Times blog, making abstract representations of NYC with few simple LEGO blocks: A lot of the stuff is not really NYC specific, but some jokes are probably hard to get if you don’t live in the city. The guy apparently has tons of good humor, but nothing
Martin Klimas Photography
For the most part, I’m not an artistic person. But I recently found the following photography by Martin Klimas and was thoroughly impressed: Click here to see more.
Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni
On all those nights when people around the globe stayed up to watch the Beijing Olympics games, I lost sleep making the Beijing Olympics mascots – the Fuwas: Even though the project started concurrently with the Opening Ceremony, it wasn’t complete until after the game was over and city workers sweeped every street in Beijing