Singapore 2/5

The thing with the Earth being round is that jet lag happens.  The thing with traveling with an inconsiderate little person is that your waking hours is a factor of both your biological clock and hers.  There’s a place and time for everything, and fighting the inevitable just wasn’t appropriate in this case.  So, we

Singapore 1/5

After some 19 hours of air time, we arrived at Changi Airport, the gateway to paradise. One of my least favorite things about long-haul flights is the back stiffness associated with being stuck in an ergonomically inappropriate position for too many hours.  Well, this time I found out that having a squirmy baby solves much

Blog Hacked

After not touching this for almost 3 years, I suddenly had the urge to return to this blog.  What welcomed me back was an AVG intrusion alert and some Cialis ads.  Funny. I was confronted with how little web-technical skills I had left, when I tried to follow the anti-hacking instructions on sites like these:

San Francisco Hippie News

On this one day when I finally managed to escape the office by 6, the BART station was closed.  A sea of commuters hovered around the entrance to BART, with some walking down to check out the fully shut steel gate and then returning upstairs.  “The BART station is closed,” I heard somebody say.  My

PF Chang’s

We went last night to P.F. Chang’s, the Chinese-themed TGI Friday.  It was a surprisingly cultural experience. This was my very first time.  Prior to the visit, most of my knowledge about this chain establishment had been from South Park depictions: (1) its food makes you super constipated, and (2) it’s run by an army

Doin’ DayQuil

This evening, I went to CVS and picked up a box of (the CVS generic version of) DayQuil.  Upon check out, the cashier asked me for my birth date.  Somewhat stunned and confused by the inquiry, I held back and paused for a second.  Then I saw the piece of print out in his hand

I Hate CNY

Every year around this time, I get very depressed.  It has become a pattern for a few years, and the intensity only seems to grow.  It’s the Chinese New Year, plus minus a few hours depending on where you are.  Some prefer to call it the lunar new year or Asian new year, just to

White Christmas-After

The 4.5-day weekend turned into a 5.5-day weekend when the historical storm struck the New York region.  Some areas near us reportedly got 32 inches of accumulation in less than a day.  I cursed at the people who asked for a white Christmas, although didn’t mind the notice about office closing on Monday. Hong wasn’t

Japan Honeymoon – 100%

Today marked our last day in Japan.  We both were sad about ending this fun trip, but at the same time relieved to end this continuous pain from walking too much. After checking out of the hotel, we locked our luggage up in a convenient coin-operated locker at Shinjuku Station.  This was the third time

Japan Honeymoon – 90%

At the onset of this trip, I thought we’d have a chance to practice and learn some Japanese.  Perhaps I could pick up a phrase or two, or ask for the whereabouts of a restroom.  It shouldn’t be hard to at least see some improvement in my pronunciation of the limited vocabulary that I commanded