After record-breaking storms visiting all those regions surrounding us, New York finally got a sizable one this winter. The District of Columbia needs to learn the spirit from the Big Apple: this city never sleeps, not even at 1AM in a freaking storm. Armies of workers managed the streets with plows, blowers, and shovels of
VT Trip (2/2)
Going back to school always makes me happy. Even back in the days when driving down I-81 meant having to prepare for finals after Thanksgiving, I could never help but start to hum “country road… take me home…” Well, this time we picked a really memorable weekend to visit. The school was shut down on Friday, and
VT Trip (1/2)
Phil and I decided to take a weekend trip back to VT. So did a record snow storm. We managed to escape before the worse part of it hit NOVA, and the highways were kept clean for most of the trip. However, we did have to go through some pretty bad sections of the storm:
Stick Figure Outcry
I find this story highly amusing. Teacher asked class to draw something that “reminds them of Christmas”. Second grade kid drew dead Jesus on the cross (and told teacher it was himself). Teacher, concerned about the kid’s underlying violent tendencies, sent him for psychiatric evaluation. Community got furious, labeling it as an antichrist execution of the
Broken Hands
For the past 10 months, I thought 2009 was a pretty bad year and couldn’t wait for it to be over. Around New Year 2010, however, I “broke” my left hand. According to the doc, it’s “just” an inflammation. I think the formal name is deQuervain’s Tendinitis, but I wouldn’t quote myself on that :p The cause
Storm Riders II
Storm Riders is an epic comic series started in 1989 and still going strong today. It was a top legend in Hong Kong’s comic book industry, likely being the most praised and most referenced work of all times. It was also my absolute favorite epic story… for a long time. The series started going downhill
It’s been a while since the average independent short film freely available on the Internet was better crafted than the average Hollywood movie that you have to pay $15 at a theater for. However, I had never been this impressed before seeing this piece: ?????? (Lee’s Adventures). If I hadn’t glanced at the forum comments first, I
New Year’s Eve From Above (Part 2)
Happy New Year. Logically, however, I don’t see what’s there to be so happy about it. New Year happens on roughly 0.3% of the days, which is a lot more common than your birthday if you were born on February 29th. A new year means a rent increase, a new set of work goals to
New Year’s Eve From Above (Part 1)
The Times Square ball drop is one of the biggest events in the world on New Year’s Eve, and the ball that drops is practically right outside my office window on a year-round basis. This New Year’s Eve, over the option of staying home to play video games with myself, I chose to commute into the city
Q4 2009 Recap
Haven’t updated my blog in a while so here’s a half-assed quick round-up of interesting things that happened. Gotta do this before 2010 hits! On Nov 14, Hong took me ice skating for the very first time. It was supposedly disappointing that I didn’t fall on my ass. On Nov 21, I participated in my first