Project Concentric Circles – the Ultimate God of War Shield


Earlier this year, we replaced our two failing toilets with the fancy Japanese kind. The bathroom upgrade was life changing, and I was impressed by something else: the boxes that the toilets arrived in were made of double-layered corrugated cardboard! The discovery was like when a fictional wuxia blacksmith finds a special ore from outer

Ten Years of Cheshire Cat


Happy Halloween! I carved a pumpkin into a Cheshire Cat. The Cheshire Cat is one of my favorite cartoon characters. I love his crazy, random, confident, and fearless personality, and I love his absurdly colorful design. He’s my go-to when I need an avatar or art project idea. As I reflect back, I realized that

Project Hegemon’s Spear – 霸王槍 Ba Wang Qiang


My third crafty project of the year is Hegemon’s Spear (霸王槍 Ba Wang Qiang), from 馬榮成 Ma Wing-Shing’s manhua adaptation of 古龍 Gu Long’s Seven Weapons novel franchise. Although it’s a wuxia classic, the story is not my favorite. Most of its characters and weapons are just so-so, as well. However, this spear captivated me